How is Utah addressing climate change?

What can be done to build a more sustainable and resilient future?

The Utah Climate Action Network is ensuring a collaborative response to
these questions.​


Considering the scale of the risks and solutions associated with climate change, the Utah Climate Action Network works to advance transformational changes and protect the health, economy, and prosperity of our communities.


The Utah Climate Action Network (UCAN) provides opportunities for people to collaborate on climate solutions. We cannot afford to work alone. We must work together to accomplish one common goal: dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resiliency to ensure we have a healthy and sustainable future for our community.

The Utah Roadmap: Positive Solutions on Climate and Air Quality strongly recommends for the State of Utah to adopt emission-reduction goals, including reducing carbon dioxide emissions statewide, 25% below 2005 levels, 50% by 2030, and 80% by 2050.

Join UCAN to learn more about what and how we can collectively address climate change.

The Utah Road Map: Positive Solutions on Climate and Air Quality  

Salt Lake City – Municipal developed the climate action plan, Climate Positive 2040. The plan summarizes how Salt Lake City can accomplish near-term and long-term climate and energy goals.


The Salt Lake County Health Department developed the Climate Adaptation Plan for Public Health: A Framework to Prepare for the Health Impacts of Climate Change. The document outlines the climate-related health risks posed to communities as well as the next steps that can be taken to improve the resiliency for Salt Lake County.