UCAN is partnering with the Utah Sustainable Business Coalition, Salt Lake Hospitality and other businesses to bring climate action, air quality improvements, and zero waste guidance to the Wasatch Front.
The Utah Sustainable Business Coalition is an emerging group of more than 50 Business and Community Partners coming together to help advance sustainability and increase resiliency throughout the communities we live in.
The overarching goal of the Sustainable Business Coalition is to leverage its unique position to lead, impact, network, and collaborate on issues that affect not only our businesses, but our communities and the world we live in. We believe that collectively, we can be the change we want to see in the world.
The objectives of the Utah Sustainable Coalition are to:
Champion causes that help meet sustainability goals
Drive impactful, measurable change
Be a part of an engaged network of sustainable leaders
Develop and share access to resources for success

Led by the Salt Palace Green Team Committee, trade show partners in venue, food & beverage, accommodations, exhibits, and convention bureau are offering trade shows a You Are Here experience to bring sustainable business and partnership to our local community.
This program has resulted in over $1 million of “wasted” resources going to local nonprofits and small businesses. Salt Lake holds more sustainable event certifications than any other destination and is the first destination to offer trade shows a sustainable event certification program.
To learn more about the You Are Here Experience, click here.
For a few of the programs and accomplishments of the Green Team Committee, click here.
If you are interested in partnership, whether it be as a business, nonprofit, or community impact program, reach out to Chance Thompson, Senior Manager of Sustainability and Public Relations at chance.t@saltpalace.com